询价单 >> 【XJ-20241206-S001】的报价明细

NO. 产品编号 产品名称 中文名称 产品分类 数量 供应商报价
112321DDynaMag?-2 MagnetInvitrogen1我要报价
21851197C1000 Touch? Thermal Cycler with 96–Deep Well Reaction ModuleBiorad1我要报价
3AM10027Magnetic Stand-96Thermo Scientific2我要报价
45385000016Eppendorf ThermoMixer? FP, with thermoblock for Microplates and Deepwell Plates, including lid, 220 – 240 V/50 – 60 HzEppendorf1我要报价
51611 1102 1Geldocumenting system E-BOX-VX2/20M, transilluminator with filter 20x20 cm, 8 W, VilberLourmat 1611 1102 1, FranceVilberLourmat1我要报价
6BLU0001BluePippin Electrophoretic System for Preparative DNA/RNA/Protein Electrophoresis with Power Supply, Sage Science, USASage Science1我要报价
75384000012Eppendorf ThermoMixer? F1.5, with thermoblock for 24 reaction vessels 1.5 mL, 220 – 240 V/50 – 60 HzEppendorf2我要报价
85306000006Eppendorf SmartBlock? PCR 96, thermoblock for PCR plates 96, incl. lidEppendorf2我要报价
95382000015Eppendorf ThermoMixer? C, basic device without thermoblock, 220 – 240 V/50 – 60 HzEppendorf4我要报价
105305000304Concentrator plus complete system, with integrated diaphragm vacuum pump, with Rotor F-45-48-11, 230 V/50 – 60 HzEppendorf1我要报价
1128956020NanoVue Plus Spectrophotometer, 28956020 Biochrom, UKBiochrom2我要报价
12Q33216Qubit? 3 FluorometerInvitrogen1我要报价
132024-0020Chemagic 360 Instrument, 2024-0020 PerkinElmer, USAPerkinElmer1我要报价
145400610KingFisher? Flex Purification System, KingFisher with 96 PCR headThermo Scientific1我要报价
155400620KingFisher 96 PlateThermo Scientific1我要报价
169001293Automatic station for the extraction of NC and proteins, QIAcube, Qiagen 9001293, USAQiagen2我要报价
174484075ProFlex? PCR System, 96-wellApplied Biosystems2我要报价
184484073ProFlex? PCR System, 3 x 32-wellApplied Biosystems2我要报价
194375786DNA amplifier Veriti, 96x0.2 ml, 4375786, Applied Biosystems, USAThermo2我要报价
204375305Veriti? Thermal Cycler, 96-well FastApplied Biosystems2我要报价